
Warning: Okay - I love Jesus. But...I can cuss like a sailor and talk dirty like a porn star. Feel free to have a look around and try not to be offended - it's the way God made me and He loves me anyway!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Follow Me Friday

I am so freakin' glad it's finally Friday!  The hubs will be home late tonight and he'll actually be here for six days before he has to leave again!  So I'm gonna hafta figure out what kind of heavy shit I need moved before he leaves again...

Anywho...thanks for stoppin' by...leave me a comment and I will definitely check you out.  No - not in a perv way - get your mind outta the gutter!

Have a great Friday!


  1. Thanks for linking up to Follow Me Friday! You rock girl!

    See you next week!


  2. Following from Friday Follow! I love your blog!! :)

  3. I'm glad you get to have hubs home. Have your best weekend ever and all 6 days. XD


don't hold back - tell me how you really feel!